
IGNORE 2011-2-24 2123

科隆狂欢节简介:科隆狂欢节仅次于巴西狂欢节,被人们认为是全欧洲最盛大也最为疯狂的狂欢节。而“玫瑰星期一”(Rose Monday)是狂欢节的最高潮。
费用:22 欧元/ 人(包括交通费、早餐、司机小费等)。小孩费用同成人,因为也要占一个座位。
转账报名:账户名:Chen Wang;账号:377-0198809-93, 转账时请注明“Koln,姓名,手机号码”。请大家将转帐单在ATM上打印出来(若在网上转账,也请打印出相关转账证明),上车时转帐单将作为车票,核对上车。
出发时间地点:早7:30, Van Stralenstraat,Euroline车站斜对面。准时出发,迟到不候。
7:30 Van stralenstraat (Euroline station), Antwerp
10:00 到达科隆
17:30 由科隆返回
20:30 抵达Antwerp
如有疑问,请联系学联邮箱cssaa2010@gmail.com或者电话 易金超 0471666990


The Chinese Students and Scholars Association in Antwerp offers a trip to Cologne's Rose Monday Parade (Germany).
Time: 07/03/2011 (Monday) Depart at 7:30, arrives in Antwerp at 20:30.
Price: 22 Euros Per Person (Including Transportation, breakfast, etc .)
Payment and Registration: Please pay € 22 before 01/03 by transfer to 377-0198809-93 (Account name: Chen Wang) with the message "Koln-your name--phone number". Pls print the note as the certificate for bus.
Departure: 07:30, Van Stralenstraat, on the opposite side of Euroline station.
10:00, Arrives in Cologne
17:30, Departs from Cologne
20:30, Arrives in Antwerp
Since the seats are limited, please register as soon as possible!
Contact: JINCHAO YI, Email: cssaa2010@gmail.com, Tel: 0471666990
We are looking forward to your participation!
The “Rosenmontag” (Rose Monday) carnival parade in Cologne is one of the largest and most popular in Germany. This celebration is a memorable event that takes place once a year and probably is the hugest feast in the Rhineland Region. Each year’s procession tries to outdo that of the year before in colorfulness, witty ideas and colorful costumes. The Köln carnival involves hundreds of street and pub-parties, where you come in costume. Your costume planned for Karneval Monday can be unique or a group activity, for on Rosenmontag you'll stand out for lack of a costume! The parade features hundreds of parade marchers, many bands playing typical German Karneval songs, impressive dance groups and big colorful decorated parade wagons. While watching the parade, you can try to catch candy or flowers thrown to the people on the streets. Get into the spirit, come dressed in a colorful costume and dance and sing with the people of Cologne!!

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