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  2 费莱尼,标准列日→埃弗顿→曼联,4250万

  3 本特克,根克→阿斯顿维拉→利物浦,3950万

  4 阿扎尔,里尔→切尔西,3200万

  5 登贝莱,阿尔克马尔→富勒姆→热刺,2000万

  6 阿尔德韦雷尔德,马竞→南安普敦,1150万

  7 米尼奥莱,圣图尔登→桑德兰→利物浦,1100万

  8 奥利吉,里尔→利物浦,1000万

  9 库尔图瓦,根克→切尔西,800万

  10 查德利, 特温特→热刺,700万

最新回复 (55)
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  • 游客 2015-8-24
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    これは非常に味のある男.新しい貪食祖符コントロール者、長年に、ようやくあなたをあげなどが来た.彼は目が淡々と眺める林動に笑って道,Sky Jersey.食祖符?この話を聞いて、びっくりコン霊に寄りすぎて、美目驚いたのは林動に見つめ、元こいつを持っているに飲み込まれて祖符、道理で…以上に会うことができることを先輩、思えば私たちは無事にクリアしましたでしょうか?」林心の中の驚愕も消え始める、彼に向って貪食の主と笑って、そして道,Sky Jersey.貪食の主に欠けているのを見て目が氾林動に軽く浮き上がっその眉、道:“あなたの身で、私は多くの熟知する味に気づいた.私って…炎の主は、太古の主.暗の主…また…」に飲み込まれの主に凝集林出発の目が突然凝、それ以外にはあまり波動の目はここでいくつかの波が立たれました,Sky Jersey.やがて彼はそっと1嘆いて、ため息の中には、まるで一道すような声.氷主、彼女も成功しましたか.論点は裏切らない先生の必死に護、ああ、やはりが彼女より…に林手のひら握りました.この貪食の主通天やっぱり実力も、目下の彼は正体をして、しかし依然として一目で確認できる彼に接触していたこれらの強いにおい.四人、あなたは直接あるいは間接的な接触.その味を、私は目が見ることができて.貪食の主を笑って、すぐ彼は淡い道:“岩、万载会わないで、まさかあなたは会いたくない老けこむ友達ですか」彼の声はちょうど落ち、林動体内が持っている暖かい光をなでると、そして化と光と影を、目の前の男が岩を眺めて、目の中もかなり複雑なまさか再び会えた時、それではかつての自殺(.もうこんな風になって.そんな時、私はほかの選択がありますか?貪食の主は軽く道.岩に黙って、その時に八主は皆重傷、彼の主人は最後の力をかけていて、護の氷主に入って巡回して、殘りの七主は無力で、もし貪食の主をないと、主に七、恐らく少なくとも半分は折れ.彼は新しい祖石コントロール者.」この上ないと岩.目に言葉を口にする林が動く.何者か?貪食の主目か一閃、声をかみしめる.林動言葉なくて、当初は町の魔獄、暗黒の時の主がその話を聞けば同じ反応が大きいため、林動もはっきり祖石コントロール者としての意味.このジュニア論点は面白いかどうかが、担に至ってから祖符コントロール者として、おそらく考えも待.貪食の主頭を振って、道.彼は身につけておきに飲み込まれて祖符、ライトニング祖符を持つ.岩道,Sky Jersey.感じが出てきました,Sky Jersey.貪食の主はうなずいて、すぐ彼を見つめていた岩、ゆっくり道:“これはまだ足りない.」岩瀋黙して、長い時間の後、彼はさっき道:“あなたは知っていて、当時の大戦は終わらない、今この天地、異魔潜伏、誰も知らない彼らはまたいくらの力.

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  • 游客 2015-8-28
    引用 8
    The "exit" it is so easy to break through? If the chance is not to say, half a year, even a few years, may not be able to enter the territory." "Wei Yan and Yi sweet can really pick up treasure, such a great master. Can let them grasp in their hands, and they don't know what conditions they have given to the su." "What is the condition? Both Wei Yan and Yi are women, and they are very, very beautiful...... Well, I say. Can you understand?" "......" The people or the speculation that the night can be in the twenty-four stage of the support of the time, or asked the Su night of origin, or to calculate the time of the Soviet Union and the night to repair why break, or look at the talk of Wei Yan, Iraq sweet to attract su. Imperceptibly, this area has become the abnormal noise of streams of people busily coming and going. Put the noise around the ear in the ear. Wei Yan and Yi are some helpless. They had guessed at the top of the ladder at the top of the ladder, and they had guessed that the situation would have been, and the situation was as they had expected. Moreover, a lot of people are not satisfied with watching in the distance. Soon, there have been people know or don't know Su snoop night come, arrive finally, Michelle Yeon and Iraq sweet around has gathered a large number of figure, all sorts of problems emerge in endlessly, let two troublesome, deal only with the moment,Specialized Jersey Sale, two people had to withdraw from the "Hongmeng sacred". However, this "Hongmeng sacred" are not due to their departure and quiet. By the news and in what the monk, for a stubble another stubble, and even a lot of the vast read exit friar with body armor went on to watch. Fortunately, though many people how surprised, stop to 22 steps and no intention to run to 24 step disturb Su night practice. But there are many Sumeru late monk go try the steps of the pressure from Soviet night slightly far place, they will also be able to hold a stay for a while, but once they are close to the extreme coagulate the Hongmeng Qi, all fled in panic, without exception,. And under all continuous attention and the mixed with Reiki "Hongmeng Qi" has not dissipated the signs. Pure and majestic power,Specialized Jersey, such as Su night body sculpture, no action. With the continuous refining "Hongmeng Qi" and the active degree of yin and yang to work properly dint inside his body has reached unprecedented proportions. Within the broad space for the family of God, yin and Yang huge spiritual power is constantly set off a * * Kuangtaohailang, sparking waves roar sound. Spiritual violent surge, the same will bring great pressure to the court of God, God awakened, generally the vast read late monk, if bear it beyond its limit of the fluctuations in the strength, I'm afraid I will shenting fraying,Specialized Jersey Sale, God awakened broken, but Su night but no such worries. 108 God awakened, four quadrant of yin and Yang,Specialized Jersey Sale, Fatou, and the enchanted "Yin and Yang big scriptures complement each other, let Su night even under the invasion of terror of the internal and external pressures, but also do a job with skill and ease. From the beginning to the end, the night is not su intentnesses, due to strong pressure and distracted. Time bit by bit,Specialized Jersey, Su night?

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  • 游客 2015-8-29
    引用 9
    "Of course, is to sleep ah, time is not long, the two wife we quickly turn off the lights to sleep." Zhou Han urged a sound, they will climb to the bed. "You go out!" "You go out!" Two women invariably cried, joking, sleeping beauty in two Ruhuasiyu to accompany a ferocious man, fool all know what was going to happen. Lin wonderful wonderful surprise of saw one eye Su dreamy, she and her quite have the tacit understanding, miu miu Lin and stared to Zhou Han, "not tonight you slept in my room, to the other room to sleep." "His wife, how could you drive me away?" Zhou Han some grief, sleep elsewhere, can not finish the plan to fly together. "Don't you go out, don't let you on our honeymoon?" Miu Miu Lin is not a good airway, she temporarily unable to accept the two women in a total of paternity Kazuo thing, think and Su Mengmeng together to serve the villain of the scene, she blushed, you really want to do it, not shame to the dead. "Wonderful wonderful elder sister said to, you on the head are installed is not pure thought, worse than the wolf and we don't want with you sleep together." His sister Su Mengmeng behind. The wolf could be worse than me, week cold sneer at in the heart, face was exposed the color of righteousness, categorically said: "two wife, it is better for us to bed chat with me, I promise not tamper with you!" Two female light on a spit, the result two female. The man is flow - Meng, the female is beautiful, lying in a bed chat, perhaps chat with open jaws to eat them. "Don't dream, your bad mind think we don't know, don't try our sisters cheap." How can we let Zhou Han Lin Miao Miao. Two feast is placed in front of us, meal is not to let you eat, Zhou Han indescribably more depressed, wanted to think, he decided to exert /: Rogue, ranging from two females react, Zhou Han directly lying to in the middle of the bed, lying second wife crowded into his arms. Unfortunately, Zhou Han are disappointed, Lin Kat pulled Su Mengmeng said: "let him a sleep here, we went to the other room." Thus, two wife happy,Specialized Jersey Sale, in the eyes of the week cold despair into another room and left back of Miaoman Zhou Han unlimited Xiasi. "So let them go?" Zhou Han sat up serious thinking that,Specialized Jersey, after a moment he make a decision: "it loses no longer comes, finally have the opportunity to both winner, do not seize the opportunity, the next time it is difficult to meet the such a good opportunity." Thus, cold appeared in front of the two men, poor dirty gazed at them: "wonderful wonderful wife, dream dream wife,Specialized Jersey Sale, you have pity on me, somehow a accompany me well." Have one to eat, always better than one. "Come on, I'm just a sacrifice." Lin wonderful face, do not meet this asshole,Specialized Jersey, may today night sleep. "I knew his wife the best." Zhou Han smiled,Specialized Jersey, picked up the Lin Miaomiao rushed back to her room.

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