
nuanchengyogurt 2007-8-13 2211

最新回复 (3)
  • krufje 2007-8-13
    引用 2
  • comoma 2007-8-13
    引用 3
    FOR FAMILY REUNION (students)

    1) A valid passport: To be obtained from the local Public Security Bureau.
    The passport should be valid at least 3 months after returning to China and should
    contain at least 3 empty pages when applying for the visa.
    Please provide two copies of your passport (the empty pages don’t need to be copied).

    2) Four application forms signed and dated by the applicant. These forms are to be
    completed in Dutch, French or English. On each form, a 2-inch recent passport size
    photographs should be affixed.

    3) Two copies of your Chinese identity card (1).

    4) In case the applicant is older than 18, a notarized certificate of good conduct together with a translation. This document has to be certified by the Shanghai Municipal Foreign Affairs Bureau or the relevant provincial Foreign Affairs Bureau. It is valid only six months from the date of issue. In case you resided in a foreign country during the latest 5 years, you should moreover submit a certificate issued by the relevant authorities of that foreign country.(*)

    5) Your marriage certificate (spouse) : i.e. a true certified copy in the notarized form of your red marriage booklet.(*) or birth certificate (children)(*), establishing the kinship between the applicant and the student.

    6) The proof that the student has an accommodation, sufficiently large to accommodate the family members that joining him. This can be proven by a certificate issued by the authorities of the spouse’s/parents’ place of residence in Belgium or by a copy of his / her lease contract which describes clearly the premises rented.

    7) Proof of sufficient means :
    By letter of guarantee:
    A letter of guarantee (in the prescribed form – annex 32) by your guarantor residing in Belgium or abroad. This document can be obtained from the guarantor’s municipality in Belgium (or from the Belgian Embassy or Consulate General in the guarantor’s place of residence) and has to be certified. A guarantee by the student himself in not accepted.
    Accompanied by :
    _ Proof of the solvency of the guarantor (tax paper/ salary sheet / bank account statement). (Monthly income should be at least 750
  • comoma 2007-8-13
    引用 4
    1) 本人有效护照:可向当地的出入境管理局申请。此护照在申请人申请签证时必须留有至少3页空白页并且至少一年内有效。请递交2份护照完整复印件(护照的空白页无需复印)。

    2) 4份由申请人本人签名并注明填表日期的申请表格。表格需以荷兰语,法语或者英语填写,希望使用用打字机填写。每份表格上需贴2寸近照。(更多详情 ) (*)

    3) 2份申请人的身份证复印件。(1)

    4) 无犯罪记录公证书及其翻译 ( 如果申请人已经年满18周岁 )。此证明需由上海外办或各省外办认证。此证明自其颁发之日起,只有6个月的有效期。如果申请人在最近5年内曾在外国长期居留过,那么还需提供该国政府相关机构出具的无犯罪记录证明。(*)

    5) 结婚公证书(指结婚证的公证文本 ) ( 指配偶团聚 ) 或者出生公证书 ( 指子女团聚 ) 以确认申请人与学生之间的关系。(*)

    6) 由配偶居住地的比利时政府机构出具的居住证明, 证明其现有住房条件适合家庭其他成员与其共同居住。或者提供一份详细的租房合同的复印件。

    7) 经济能力证明:

    A/ 经济担保书形式


    • 担保人的经济能力证明 (银行证明/工资单/税单), 担保人的固定月收入至少必须 达到750欧元+150欧元×由其负担的家庭成员人数+524欧元为学生做经济担保。

    • 担保人的身份证的复印件( 如果担保人居住在比利时 ), 护照或者其他身份证明( 如果担保人居住在国外)。


    B/ 奖学金形式


    8) 由比利时当地市政府签发的配偶在该市的登记证明,以及配偶的比利时居留证的复印件。

    9) 两个注明申请人姓名,住址,邮政编码及电话的回邮信封 (用中文填写)。


    (1) 何处申请 (更多详情 )

    (2) 您必须根据要求提供上述所有材料,并由本人每周一至周四上午9:30至12:00亲自提交材料。

    (3) 申请人请留下名片及联系电话。

    (4) 签证费用 ( 90欧元 ) ---以人民币支付。(更多详情)

    (5) 每周一到周五下午2:00至4:30领取签证, 请带好以下材料前来领取:
    -- 签证费用的收据
    -- 您的来回程飞机票原件(注有您的名字且不可更改或延期)+ 复印件一份

    (6) 所有材料都必须提供一份原件及一份复印件。

    (*) 所有由中国公证处出具的公证材料在经比利时领事馆认证之前, 都必须先经上海市外办或各省外办认证。这些公证书自颁布之日起,只有6个月的有效期。