
Jerry 2008-10-28 1521

有谁知道B卡的材料递交哪个部门? 我住布鲁塞尔的法语区,材料都是荷兰语.谢谢XDJM
最新回复 (2)
  • sofieeee 2008-11-1
    引用 2
    you can found address on: www.vdab.be
    Or otherwise,go to the cityhall, they can also telling you the some info
  • FORTIS 2008-11-1
    引用 3
    Quote原帖由 sofieeee 于 2008-10-31 20:59 发表
    you can found address on: www.vdab.be
    Or otherwise,go to the cityhall, they can also telling you the some info
