Europalia China - 2009年10月至2010年1月 – Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels

Chiu 2009-9-29 1719

Friday 11.09.2009 > Friday 29.01.2010

- Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels

The 21st century promises to be more Chinese than ever. The wealth of oriental tradition and the economic great power of 2009 both attract the West. And yet it remains quite tricky to see beyond the facade, the clichés, and the preconceptions. CHINA@BOZAR offers you a look behind the scenes, past and present, during Europalia. Two icons, symbolising "traditional" and "contemporary" China, act as your guides through BOZAR's extensive Chinese menu. They make it possible to find events relating to both China's rich past and today's China and to combine the two. The historical exhibition Son of Heaven presents 50 centuries of Chinese power and glory, while in an exhibition of contemporary art, The State of Things, the curators Luc Tuymans, Ai Weiwei, and Fan Di'an take a look at the art markets in Beijing and Brussels. And then there are our two theme weekends. Traditional Voices (4 > 6 December 2009) offers a voyage of discovery through China's varied musical landscape. In (Un)silenced Voices (14 > 15 November) independent film-makers, theatre people, and writers present a picture of daily life in China today. Discover China as you have never seen it before!

Centre for Fine Arts,
Ravensteinstraat 23, 1000 Brussels

4个月的全部节目安排在下面网页 实在太太太太丰富了

昨天看新闻, 很多故宫珍品都被请来布鲁塞尔展出, 其中有些在国内也不是经常开放给公众参观的, 大家不要错过
最新回复 (4)
  • 漂来 2009-9-29
    引用 2

  • 漂来 2009-9-29
    引用 3
    太激动了。。。。。 一定要去。。。。。
  • 漂来 2009-9-29
    引用 4
    。。。。。。。。。。 我要镇定剂。。
  • ameliemeimei 2009-9-29
    引用 5
    正在开链接... 今年不是中比友好年么, 听一朋友说会在布市中心搞一个茶楼, 希望明